36 things I learnt from the book “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant”

Juhi Bansal
3 min readJul 2, 2023
  1. Consider your life as a mutual fund investment, the longer you invest, the better returns you get. Think long term.
  2. Treat everyone as you would want yourself to be treated.
  3. No one can compete with you for being you.
  4. Focus on the thing that you are really into.
  5. Escape competition through authenticity. If you are in a competition, you are copying them. You are unique, you are different. Follow your authenticity.
  6. Be a perpetual learner.
  7. Read, Read, Read. Read books because you want to read and not because you need social approval.
  8. Learn Psychology, Learn Persuasion, Learn Coding.
  9. You need to be deep in something. You need to be the master of at least 1–2 things.
  10. Take accountability of everything.
  11. Do the right thing, not the easy thing. Be Patient.
  12. Intentions don’t matter. Actions do. Go all IN.
  13. Do things because you want to do it. Not because you have to do it. You will never achieve quality or satisfaction if you are doing the latter.
  14. Use social media to promote yourself and not just to scroll mindlessly.
  15. Create your hourly rate as <<x>> INR and whenever you spend time mindlessly, consider those many rupees gone down the drain.
  16. Become the BEST at what you do! The right people will automatically start networking with you!
  17. If you don’t love yourself, who will?
  18. The only way to truly learn something is by doing it.
  19. 100% is not enough in today’s fast pace world. The completion of a task should be dependent on the status and not on the time spent on the activity.
  20. Change is the only constant
  21. Wisdom is thinking long term consequences of your actions. If you have two paths almost similar, go with the one that has short term pains because that will lead you to long term gains.
  22. Suffering starts when we can’t accept reality
  23. If you can’t decide, the answer is NO. You cannot be absolutely certain but you can be very certain.
  24. Being happy doesn’t mean that you don’t have issues. Not thinking about the future or the past and living in the present is true happiness. Real happiness comes from acceptance. Happiness is a choice.
  25. What if this life is the paradise that we dreamt of and we are just sqaundering it ?
  26. We have two lives, the second one starts when we realise we just have one.
  27. If you can sit alone in a room for 30 minutes without anxiety, you are successful.
  28. You can achieve anything in life as long as you want it more than anyone else.
  29. Life is a single player game. You have to compete with yourself.
  30. If you are jealous of someone because of a specific quality, either try to become like them or stop being jealous.
  31. Believe in stuff. Placebo effect really works. Faith can move mountains.
  32. If you don’t like a particular situation in life, you only have three choices — Change it, Accept It or Leave It.
  33. Meditate to control overthinking.
  34. When you have an idea, act upon to right away!
  35. Don’t plan to be the most successful person on the world. Plan to be the most successful version of yourself.
  36. Present is all you have.



Juhi Bansal

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