Navigating the Ups and Downs of a Reading Journey

Juhi Bansal
2 min readMay 29, 2023
My 2023 Reads Till Now!

I’ve had an incredible year of reading so far, devouring eleven novels. The initial ten books captivated my imagination and left a lasting impression. I gave each of these books a robust five-star rating, which reflects their exceptional quality and the pleasure I derived from reading them.
Nonetheless, the eleventh book (The Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni), surprised me. Despite its popularity and widespread acclaim, it did not resonate with me personally. It is disappointing when a highly regarded book falls short of expectations. While others may have found it captivating, I did not identify with the characters, plot, or writing style.

In such situations, it is crucial to remember that reading, like all art forms, is subjective. Each person’s preferences, experiences, and emotions influence how they perceive a book. Popularity or critical acclaim do not guarantee the universal appeal of a book.

The rating of one star I gave the book is an accurate reflection of my personal experience. It is essential to accept diverse viewpoints and acknowledge that not everyone will enjoy every widely acclaimed book. It serves as a reminder that even highly anticipated books can disappoint, and that is acceptable. Knowing that there is always something new to discover and appreciate in the world of literature, this experience encourages me to continue investigating new authors, genres, and styles.



Juhi Bansal

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